Body, Mind and Soul!
Body, Mind and Soul
What will you learn from the 3-Day Session?
- Different Types of Asanas
- Nitric Oxide Dump Exercises
- Correct Form of Breathing
- Different Types of Mudras
- Kriyas
- Gratitude Process
- Koyla Process
- Affirmations
- Self-Discipline
and much more
Learn Pranayama and Transform your life
Next Pranayama Training
23rd January 2022 – 26th January 2022
7 am to 9 am Everyday
Praesent a nostra lacus aliquet torquent molestie class ullamcorper leo vulputate ut nascetur magnis sociis sodales condimentum mus dignissim a mi sem scelerisqueligula fermentum sociosqu et cursus parturient nostra.
Human beings are the best creator of god with infinite
potential. Human beings are multi-dimensional and multi faced.
Broadly, hence for them to consummate this beautiful gift of
human life and to realize and experience the beauty they need
to aspire of Holistic Growth and Well-being. The different
dimensions of human life can be classified as (a) Physical self (b)
Mental self (c) Social self (d) Emotional self (e) Spiritual self. A
truly happy, successful, fulfilled human being is one who invests
his time and effort in developing each of the above dimensions
or spheres of a human.
It is a cardinal truth that in the ultimate analysis all
management is self-management. Each of us are totally
responsible for everything that happens in our life.
Our physical body is the vehicle in the journey of
our lives. The quality of our life will largely determine on the
quality of the physical body. This in turn depends on the quality
of food, exercise, rest which we give to our body.
One’s mental state depends on how well one manages ones thoughts.